Recently this week the "June 2010" Guild Spotlight was selected.
The Guild Spotlight winner was the "Dark Warlordz" Guild
So I've decided to do my own!
I as a guild owner myself will be going throughout the world of Pirates Online Visiting 5 servers per day till this Sunday. Going into battle-zones looking for Worthy Guilds that are applicable to get voted on.
The best 3 Guilds I find in 3 servers meaning at the end 9 guilds will be waiting on the list for the winner of The July Pirates Press Guild Spotlight!
I will announce the top 3 in the spotlight.
in the order:
The rest, Better luck next time!
Also results on their Current Contest, the Cannon Defense Competition has it's results up to July 18th (2 days ago from this post) HERE they are!:
Calicohayes 50 Paragon 95
Igor Greybeard 50 Honorable Mates 95
Sword-Wolfy 34 Fellowship of Fire 95
Helga Greybeard 50 Honorable Mates 83
Enrique Sailbones 50 Wolf Pack Legend 83
Jeremiah Hookwalker 50 Diamond Dynasty 72
Dog Firestack 50 McRaging 72
Kisuke Uchiha 50 Take Me To Infinity 70
Ally 50 Take Me To Infinity 70
Tiny Trixy 50 Take Me To Infinity 70
Ice Rageous 50 Meltdown 67
Hohnibra 50 Meltdown 67
Justbelieving 50 Meltdown 67
Slick Von Oilstain 25 Plunder For Fun 61
Yell Raiser 27 Raising Yell 61
Grace Mcmorrigan 50 Anno Bellum 60
Scurvy Ann 50 Rated Arrrrrrr! 60
Blastoff Bruno 50 Team Svs 60
Pancho Foreman 49 Destroyers Empire 60
Captain Celtics 50 McRaging 58
That's the list,
The 1st person - 10th person will be honored on Pirates press, the 10 others not.
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