Weekly Top Post!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome To Pirates Press!

I just want to say Welcome to Pirates Press the well updated online community for Pirates Online, this blog is one of many out there but something about this one just gives more secrets out to users and readers everywhere, when something new is announced we're here and talking about it!

Like today we will go over some news and some pretty cool updates.
Also the website will evolve over time and be even better each time.

Today is just a basic go over of stuff in "The Carribean", after this we're going to go over to "Today in The Servers", this feature will become a widget soon so that you can read short stories that are either real stories from the game, or just made up! But lets just get to the point on news!

--->Carribean NewsFlash!
Today in the Servers

Today in the Carribean on Carribean Newsflash:
Free Unlimited Access !CONCLUDED!
This entire weekend you had the chance to test the Unlimited Access on Pirates Online for FREE,
Today was the day it was concluded and with almost 3 servers completly full during this event, the event was the one that waved down around the most people that came online this year. But now it's over,
"It was a new experience i've never tasted before..." says "Buccaneer" and other people agree that this event was the most fun of all. But unfortunatly, it's concluded itself for the year of 2010.

Also today's other news is a CONTEST!
This week the people at Pirates Online are making a contest for all pirates in existance to the date have been asked to sink the most ships in their new game "Cannon Defense", they say the top 20 people who have accomplished this goal will be featured on their front page news assuring Fame, Glory and tons of fans.
So get to work mate! You best be working hard because the due date is AUGUST 1ST!!!

And that's all for "Carribean NewsFlash".

Now lets move on!

Carribean NewsFlash!
--->Today in the Servers

The "Today in the Servers" story is MADE-UP!!
Me and my guild we're running across the bridge of Perdes Del Fuego, this bridge isn't that old but we have weird feelings due to Jolly Roger coming lately, the sky turned green and my entire guild team of 30 Looked into the sky and saw dark clouds thundering, it was almost night-time so we would have to get all the supplies unloaded and sold on this island before night otherwise we'd be stuck here, minutes after the sun went down the moon came up and a face, a daringly evil face showed itself, the thunder had quit but the music in the background changed, all the pirates stormed here in time to see Jolly's Ship pull in, As for the "Dark and Evil" guild, we stopped at the store over the side of the bridge to see people barricading the walls, "Aye that's about it, I think we're ready mates, BRACE YOURSELFS!" someone said just as a cannon hit onshore and knocked down one of the many walls we had up, me and the 21 other users in my guild ran into town through the hole the cannon made and came face to face with Jolly Roger...
We slowly backed up but it was no use, he threw his potion on the ground and knocked us all out, all but me, it was up to me. "Aye mate, you really think you can beat me!?" and the entire undead army laughed, "We're all dead! You're just a small Level 15 pirate, so who do you think you are challenging me?" He yelled off the echoing walls loudly. "Oh it's not just me" I said I turned around and I was face to face with thousands of other pirates, "ATTACK!" I yelled Jolly said it on the same queue and then there was a gigantic light in-between the fight, as for this, We had won, he retreated and got back on his ship, then vanishing beyond...

That's all for now check back tomorrow!
You will see ads for other games in some posts:
All the LOL killer robots at ROBLOX are awesome at the amusing game ROBLOX


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